UT Dallas Policy Navigator

The UT Dallas Policy Navigator: Handbook of Operating Procedures

This website, The University of Texas at Dallas Policy Navigator: Handbook of Operating Procedures (HOP) contains official policies and procedures for the governance of UT Dallas. The policies constituting the HOP must not conflict with The University of Texas System Regents' Rules and Regulations. Schools, departments, and other university units may have additional policies specific to them and for which they are responsible for maintenance and communication. These specific unit policies must not conflict with university policies; however, they may be more restrictive and are adopted in accordance with unit procedures by the provost, a vice president, dean, director, unit supervisor, and/or designated university official, as applicable.

Additional academic policies and regulations are also published in the University's Online Catalogs.

The Information Security Office collaborates with campus stakeholders to publish various standards on specific topics that change frequently. While UT Dallas depends on several IT units within schools to configure and support IT equipment locally, standards provide a common instrument for protecting IT consistently, so the same objectives can be achieved by multiple teams. The ISO currently offers several “Standards Documents” on topics such as Cloud Services, Data Storage, and Servers. These documents are linked on the following page: https://infosecurity.utdallas.edu/resources.

Click on the image to see a list of UT Dallas policies that fall in that category. For a full list of policies please see the UT Dallas Policy Navigator.

If you have questions about specific policies or interpretation of policy language, please contact the department responsible for that policy. If you have questions about the process of making amendments to policies, please contact the Policy Coordinator at policy.office@utdallas.edu.