UT Dallas Policy Navigator :: Information Technology

Information Technology

Policy Number Policy Title Date Actions
UTDPP1003 Information Technology Planning and Policy Committee 2024-06-10
UTDPP1087 Privacy Policy 2012-09-27
UTDPP1099 University Information Security Advisory Committee Charge 2017-04-26
UTDBP3005 Campus Network Connection Policy 2011-03-30
UTDBP3008 Cellular Communications Equipment Policy 2020-03-03
UTDBP3037 Policy on Identity Theft Prevention Detection and Mitigation Program 2018-05-11
UTDBP3093 HIPAA Privacy Breach Notification Policy 2019-10-29
UTDBP3096 Information Security and Acceptable Use 2019-02-19
UTDBP3115 Receiving, Distribution and Property Control 2021-05-05