UT Dallas Policy Navigator :: Information Technology Planning and Policy Committee :: UTDPP1003 (v5)

Information Technology Planning and Policy Committee - UTDPP1003

Policy Charge

IT Planning and Policy Committee

Policy Statement

The Information Technology Planning and Policy Committee is a University-wide Standing Committee.

The Committee will advise and assist the Vice President, Chief Information Officer in long range planning for development and use of the university's information resources in such a way as to strike the best possible balance between outreach for education, support of research, and the maintenance and operations of information technology on campus. With respect to long-range planning, the Committee will deal with all aspects of information technology including existing and emerging requirements, current and anticipated technologies and preferred policies and practices. The committee is expected to maintain liaisons with the Committee on Distance Learning, the Committee on Effective Teaching, the Information Security Advisory Committee, and all other university and administrative committees whose work bears on issues of information technology. Responsibilities of the full committee include but are not limited to:

  1. Participate in the creation and implementation of long-range plans for Information Technology development and utilization. Within that process, the committee will assist in the identification and prioritization of goals, objectives and action items. Completed planning efforts will be documented by the Office of the Vice President, Chief Information Officer and submitted to the Academic Senate in a timely manner.
  2. Review and monitor the implementation of the UTD policies related to information technology.

The Committee shall be composed of at least thirteen voting members. Seven shall be faculty, including at least two holding administrative positions of Dean or above, appointed from the voting membership of the General Faculty (as defined in UTDPP1088: Faculty Governance, Section 1.A). In addition, there shall be one representative each from the Office of Institutional Compliance, Academic Affairs, the University Staff Council, the Office of the Vice President for Research, the Office of the Vice President for Facilities and Economic Development, one graduate student, one undergraduate student and the Associate Library Director for Systems. The students are appointed by Student Government to one-year renewable terms. The University Chief Information Security Officer shall be a member ex officio, with vote. The Vice President, Chief Information Officer (under the terms of U.T. System system-wide policy UTS165) is the Responsible University Official (RUO).

The term of service of the Committee members shall be for two years, effective September 1 to August 31, staggered in time to make approximately equal numbers of appointments expire each academic year. Members may be reappointed by the President for additional terms. If for any reason a Committee member resigns, the President shall appoint another individual to serve the remainder of the unexpired term.

The Committee will meet annually in October to organize subcommittees or other working units for fulfilling its responsibilities and to determine a schedule of meetings that includes at least two per semester at a time and place designated by the Chair. Additional meetings will be called by the Chair or RUO as may be necessary. The Chair and Vice Chair are appointed annually by the President.

Policy History

  • Issued: 2003-12-08
  • Editorial Amendments: 2006-06-12
  • Revised: 2007-04-25
  • Editorial Amendments: 2008-10-24
  • Editorial Amendments: 2012-03-07
  • Revised: 2016-06-07
  • Editorial Amendments: 2016-11-11
  • Revised: 2017-03-09
  • Editorial Amendments: 2019-02-19
  • Editorial Amendments: 2024-06-10