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UT Dallas Policies

Policy Number Policy Title Last Update Actions
UTDBP3000 Criminal Background Checks Policy 2012-03-07
UTDBP3001 Records Management and Retention 2019-10-14
UTDBP3002 Requests for Records 2011-03-30
UTDBP3003 External Non-Profit Corporations 2011-03-30
UTDBP3004 Gifts and Grants from Private Philanthropic Sources 2019-02-19
UTDBP3005 Campus Network Connection Policy 2011-03-30
UTDBP3008 Cellular Communications Equipment Policy 2020-03-03
UTDBP3011 Alcoholic Beverages Policy 2022-07-12
UTDBP3013 Sustainability Policy 2011-03-30
UTDBP3023 Travel and Risk Related Activities 2012-06-15
UTDBP3033 Internal Service Providers 2019-07-23
UTDBP3034 University Endowment Policy 2017-10-24
UTDBP3035 Credit Card Acceptance Policy 2020-03-03
UTDBP3036 Policy on Payment of Research Subjects 2020-11-16
UTDBP3037 Policy on Identity Theft Prevention Detection and Mitigation Program 2018-05-11
UTDBP3040 Payment Acceptance Policy 2022-12-14
UTDBP3044 Human Resources Office Section 2016-11-11
UTDBP3047 Termination Section 2016-11-11
UTDBP3048 University Human Resources Policies Section 2024-01-23
UTDBP3049 Employment Section 2011-04-27
UTDBP3050 Appointments Section 2023-03-21
UTDBP3051 Pay Administration 2013-12-12
UTDBP3054 Leaves of Absence 2024-07-03
UTDBP3055 Training Section 2011-09-15
UTDBP3056 Discipline Dismissal and Grievances Section 2024-08-19
UTDBP3057 Purchasing Policies 2020-08-28
UTDBP3062 Motor Vehicles 2022-09-13
UTDBP3063 Bookstore 2022-09-09
UTDBP3064 Food Services 2011-09-15
UTDBP3066 Property Administration 2024-01-23
UTDBP3069 Mail Services 2020-05-22
UTDBP3073 Management of University Facilities 2022-09-09
UTDBP3074 Naming of Buildings and Facilities 2020-11-16
UTDBP3075 Work Order System 2011-09-15
UTDBP3078 Roads and Ground Maintenance 2011-09-15
UTDBP3081 Utilities 2020-07-15
UTDBP3082 University Safety and Fire Prevention 2011-09-15
UTDBP3083 Campus Security And Safety 2011-09-15
UTDBP3084 Security of Facilities and Personnel 2011-09-15
UTDBP3085 Health and Safety of Personnel Students and Visitors 2011-04-27
UTDBP3086 Emergency Preparedness 2011-09-15
UTDBP3087 Fire and Accident Prevention, Parking/Traffic Rules and Regulations, Radiation Safety 2011-09-15
UTDBP3088 Quantity of Work Rule 2024-04-19
UTDBP3089 Tobacco Free Policy 2019-02-19
UTDBP3090 Nondiscrimination 2024-06-10
UTDBP3091 Employee Performance Appraisal Policy 2013-07-10
UTDBP3092 Employee Service Award Program 2013-11-21
UTDBP3093 HIPAA Privacy Breach Notification Policy 2019-10-29
UTDBP3094 Entertainment and Official Occasions 2021-05-18
UTDBP3096 Information Security and Acceptable Use 2019-02-19
UTDBP3097 Expenditure of Funds 2020-06-15
UTDBP3098 Relocation Expenses 2020-07-15
UTDBP3099 Signature Authority 2020-06-15
UTDBP3100 Policy for Reasonable Accommodations 2024-06-10
UTDBP3101 Contract Administration 2016-10-18
UTDBP3102 Sexual Misconduct Policy 2022-11-08
UTDBP3103 Consensual Relationships 2015-10-28
UTDBP3104 Travel Expenses 2016-03-14
UTDBP3105 Reporting Suspected Unlawful Activity and Protection from Retaliation 2024-12-02
UTDBP3106 Sponsored Projects Compensation Confirmation 2022-05-03
UTDBP3108 Agency Funds 2017-11-09
UTDBP3109 Campus Accessibility Committee 2024-06-10
UTDBP3110 Campus Facilities Committee 2019-02-19
UTDBP3111 Workers' Compensation Program 2021-12-14
UTDBP3112 Clery Act Compliance Policy 2024-09-30
UTDBP3113 Accounts Receivable 2022-12-01
UTDBP3114 External Sales 2019-07-22
UTDBP3115 Receiving, Distribution and Property Control 2021-05-05
UTDBP3116 Transfer of University Resources 2021-06-07
UTDBP3117 Awards and Gifts 2021-12-14
UTDBP3118 Special Events Risk Assessment (SERA) Policy 2022-07-12
UTDBP3119 Policy on Use of University Funds for Parking 2023-07-28
UTDBP3120 Campus and Operational Closures in an Emergency 2024-01-23
UTDBP3121 Student Pregnancy and Parenting Nondiscrimination Policy 2024-04-01
UTDPP1000 Academic Program Abandonment Policy 2016-06-05
UTDPP1002 Intellectual Property Policy 2016-11-11
UTDPP1003 Information Technology Planning and Policy Committee 2024-06-10
UTDPP1004 Work Toward An Advanced Degree by Faculty Members 2011-04-27
UTDPP1005 Textbooks and Other Materials Prescribed for the Use of Students 2017-01-26
UTDPP1006 Teaching Evaluation Policy 2022-10-19
UTDPP1007 Bylaws of the Academic Senate of The University of Texas at Dallas 2020-04-22
UTDPP1008 Council for Undergraduate Education 2024-09-03
UTDPP1009 Campus Housing Advisory Committee 2018-12-05
UTDPP1011 Academic Calendar Committee 2021-03-24
UTDPP1012 Committee on Academic Integrity 2024-06-03
UTDPP1013 Academic Program Review 2022-10-19
UTDPP1014 Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee 2018-01-22
UTDPP1015 Auxiliary Services Advisory Committee 2019-02-19
UTDPP1016 Biosafety Committee 2018-01-22
UTDPP1017 Campus Wellness Committee 2024-04-02
UTDPP1018 Committee on the Core Curriculum 2004-06-03
UTDPP1019 Committee on Committees 2020-07-02
UTDPP1020 Commencement Committee 2018-12-05
UTDPP1021 Committee on Distance Learning 2024-06-03
UTDPP1023 Committee on Educational Policy 2021-04-05
UTDPP1024 Committee on Effective Teaching 2023-02-06
UTDPP1025 Campus Facilities Committee 2018-12-05
UTDPP1026 Committee on Faculty Mentoring 2018-01-22
UTDPP1027 Committee on Faculty Standing and Conduct 2016-11-18
UTDPP1074 Policy and Procedures for Student Course Feedback 2025-01-13
UTDPP1028 Committee on Educational Technology 2024-06-03
UTDPP1029 Research Conflict of Interest 2016-06-02
UTDPP1030 Committee on Parking and Transportation 2020-05-22
UTDPP1031 Committee on Qualifications of Academic Personnel 2016-01-07
UTDPP1032 Radiation Safety Committee 2018-01-22
UTDPP1033 Advisory Committee on Research 2009-09-28
UTDPP1034 University Research Integrity Committee 2004-06-03
UTDPP1035 Committee on Research Involving Human Subjects (Institutional Review Board) 2022-05-18
UTDPP1036 University Safety and Security Council 2024-06-03
UTDPP1037 Student Fee Advisory Committee 2021-05-11
UTDPP1038 Committee on Student Scholarships 2024-04-19
UTDPP1039 Presidents Outstanding Teaching Awards Committee 2017-04-26
UTDPP1040 Continuing and Extended Education Activities 2016-10-25
UTDPP1041 Controlled Items Precursor Chemicals and Chemical Laboratory Apparatus 2016-11-11
UTDPP1042 Management of Controlled Substances 2011-04-27
UTDPP1043 Policy Regarding Photocopying Copyrighted Materials 2012-03-07
UTDPP1044 Policy for the Administration of Courses Offered in Shortened Format 2017-01-26
UTDPP1046 Emeritus Titles Perquisites and Privileges of Emeritus Title Holders 2022-07-13
UTDPP1047 Evaluation of Academic Administrators 2024-04-19
UTDPP1048 University Policies for Reservation and Use of Facilities 2011-04-27
UTDPP1049 University Policy on Faculty Conduct 2015-06-05
UTDPP1050 Faculty Grievance Procedure The University of Texas at Dallas 2019-11-04
UTDPP1051 Faculty Leaves of Absence Without Pay 2017-01-26
UTDPP1052 Policy on Procedures for Completing a Graduate Degree 2023-10-20
UTDPP1053 Council on Graduate Education 2016-12-14
UTDPP1055 Hearing Tribunal Selection Procedures 2019-08-01
UTDPP1056 Handbook of Operating Procedures HOP Amendment Approval Process 2021-02-03
UTDPP1057 General Standards and Procedures Initial Appointments to the Ranks of Instructor Assistant Professor Associate Professor and Professor 2016-09-13
UTDPP1059 Policy on Merit Salary Increases for Faculty 2011-04-27
UTDPP1060 Faculty Workload and Reporting Requirements 2019-01-11
UTDPP1061 Hiring and Evaluation Procedures for Nontenure-System Faculty 2019-07-23
UTDPP1062 General Standards and Procedures for Review of Nontenure-System Faculty 2019-07-23
UTDPP1063 Part-Time Workload Assignments 2016-11-11
UTDPP1064 Procedures Governing Periodic Performance Evaluation of Tenured Faculty 2016-11-11
UTDPP1067 Registration of Faculty and Staff Organizations 2011-04-27
UTDPP1068 Research Faculty 2016-10-05
UTDPP1069 Institutional Conflicts of Interest Committee 2019-01-31
UTDPP1070 Procedure for Dealing with Allegations of Research Misconduct/Fraud 2011-04-27
UTDPP1071 Policy and Procedures Regarding Payments to Persons Who Are Not UT Dallas Employees 2019-02-19
UTDPP1072 Consultation in the Selection of Certain Key Administrative Officials 2018-12-05
UTDPP1073 Bylaws of the Staff Council of The University of Texas at Dallas 2023-10-25
UTDPP1074 Policy and Procedures for Student Evaluations of Teaching 2011-04-27
UTDPP1075 University Policies Related to Graduate Assistants Teaching Assistants Teaching Associates and Student Research Assistants 2021-04-05
UTDPP1076 Library Committee 2024-06-03
UTDPP1077 General Standards and Procedures Faculty Promotion Reappointment and Tenure 2016-11-11
UTDPP1078 University Sustainability Committee Charge 2024-06-03
UTDPP1079 Policy on Requirement for Vaccination against Bacterial Meningitis for Students Under the Age of 22 Registering for Courses 2022-11-08
UTDPP1080 Staff Fitness for Duty 2018-01-03
UTDPP1081 UT Dallas Policy on Financial Exigency 2019-10-29
UTDPP1083 Intellectual Property Advisory Committee 2024-06-03
UTDPP1084 Senate Advisory Committee on the University Budget 2024-06-03
UTDPP1085 Faculty Fitness for Duty 2019-10-29
UTDPP1086 Export Compliance Policy 2019-01-31
UTDPP1087 Privacy Policy 2012-09-27
UTDPP1088 Faculty Governance 2020-04-22
UTDPP1089 Annual Review of Faculty 2018-12-05
UTDPP1090 Semester Credit Hour Value 2024-09-04
UTDPP1092 International Oversight Committee 2024-06-03
UTDPP1093 Administrative Leave for Outstanding Job Performance 2020-09-30
UTDPP1094 UT Dallas Substantive Change Policy 2021-12-14
UTDPP1095 Official Academic Transcript Notation 2023-02-28
UTDPP1096 Governance Administration and Mission 2022-07-27
UTDPP1097 Additional Pay for Employees of UT Dallas 2020-05-13
UTDPP1098 University Assessment Committee 2024-06-03
UTDPP1099 University Information Security Advisory Committee Charge 2017-04-26
UTDPP1100 Conflicts of Interest and Conflicts of Commitment 2016-06-07
UTDPP1101 Outside Activity Policy Executive Officers and Employees Involved in Procurement Activities or Contract Management 2016-06-07
UTDPP1102 Outside Activity Policy for All Employees Excluding Executive Officers and Employees Involved in Procurement Activities or Contract Management 2016-06-07
UTDPP1103 Carry of Concealed Handguns 2016-08-01
UTDPP1104 Scholarships Fellowships and Other Appointments and Monetary Awards to Students 2020-06-09
UTDPP1105 Special Use Facilities 2017-08-03
UTDPP1106 University Committee on Electronic Forms and Administrative Efficiency 2019-02-22
UTDPP1107 International Education Development Committee 2023-11-28
UTDPP1108 International Travel Policy 2018-06-01
UTDPP1109 Teaching Relief Program for Faculty 2018-09-26
UTDPP1110 Institutional Conflicts of Interest 2019-01-31
UTDPP1111 Syllabus Policy 2019-07-23
UTDPP1112 Faculty Absences Impacting Teaching Responsibilities 2020-02-03
UTDPP1113 Student Location Policy 2020-06-30
UTDPP1114 Police Oversight Committee 2024-12-02
UTDPP1115 University Records Regarding Student Identity 2022-03-07
UTDPP1116 Committee on Student Technology Requirements 2021-05-11
UTDPP1117 Posthumous Degree Policy 2022-07-12
UTDPP1118 Endowed Chairs, Professorships, and Fellowships 2022-09-09
UTDPP1119 Involuntary Withdrawal 2022-09-09
UTDPP1120 Academic Credentials Policy - Micro-credentials, Certificates, Digital Badges, and Recognition of Completion 2023-02-06
UTDPP1121 Academic Freedom 2023-02-06
UTDPP1122 Comprehensive Evaluation of Non-Academic Administrators 2024-09-03
UTDPP1123 Data Governance Committee 2025-02-06
UTDSP5000 Use of Residential Conference Centers 2011-04-25
UTDSP5001 Speech Expression and Assembly 2024-06-21
UTDSP5002 Use of University Facilities 2017-08-03
UTDSP5003 Student Code of Conduct 2020-06-01
UTDSP5005 Student Grievances 2018-12-05
UTDSP5008 Behavior Assessment and Intervention Team 2012-08-06
UTDSP5010 Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act Policy 2020-05-22
UTDSP5015 Programs for Minors 2024-06-10
UTDSP5016 Student Bereavement 2025-01-31

Rescinded Policies

Policy Number Policy Title Last Update Actions
UTDBP3006 Information Resources Use and Security Rescinded on 2018-11-20
UTDBP3007 Information Resources Acceptable Use Policy Rescinded on 2018-11-20
UTDBP3009 Institutional Audit and Compliance Committee Statement of Responsibilities Rescinded on 2017-01-05
UTDBP3010 Institutional Audit and Compliance Committee Charter Rescinded on 2017-01-05
UTDBP3012 Risk Insurance for Camps and Clinics Involving Minors Policy Rescinded on 2020-11-13
UTDBP3014 Travel Procedures Purpose and Scope Rescinded on 2016-03-14
UTDBP3015 Travel Procedures General Policy Rescinded on 2016-03-14
UTDBP3016 Travel General Overview Rescinded on 2016-03-14
UTDBP3017 Absence From Usual and Regular Duties Rescinded on 2016-03-14
UTDBP3018 Designated Headquarters Rescinded on 2016-03-14
UTDBP3019 Economy and Efficiency of Travel Rescinded on 2016-03-14
UTDBP3020 Rental Vehicles and Rental Insurance Rescinded on 2016-03-14
UTDBP3021 Rental Vehicles Contract Identifier Numbers Rescinded on 2016-03-14
UTDBP3022 Advance of Monies Rescinded on 2016-03-14
UTDBP3024 Travel Voucher Rescinded on 2016-03-14
UTDBP3025 Transportation Allowance Rescinded on 2016-03-14
UTDBP3026 Per Diem Rescinded on 2016-03-14
UTDBP3027 Reimbursement and Non Reimbursement for Other Travel Expenses Rescinded on 2016-03-14
UTDBP3028 Special Travel Regulations for Other Than General Funds Rescinded on 2016-03-14
UTDBP3029 Auditing of Travel Rescinded on 2016-03-14
UTDBP3030 Prospective Employees Rescinded on 2016-03-14
UTDBP3031 Travel by Non employees and Non prospective Employees Rescinded on 2016-03-14
UTDBP3032 Sponsored Programs Administration Time and Effort Reporting Rescinded on 2019-10-14
UTDBP3038 Preparation of IntraInter Departmental Transfers IDTs Rescinded on 2011-06-10
UTDBP3039 Check Cashing Policy Rescinded on 2018-07-26
UTDBP3041 Departmental Petty Cash Handling Procedures Rescinded on 2016-02-12
UTDBP3042 Bursar Petty Cash Procedures Rescinded on 2016-02-12
UTDBP3043 Budgeting and Expenditure Control Rescinded on 2011-04-29
UTDBP3052 Employee Insurance and Benefits Rescinded on 2020-11-13
UTDBP3053 Retirement Plans Section Rescinded on 2020-11-13
UTDBP3058 Purchasing General Section Rescinded on 2020-07-15
UTDBP3059 Purchase Requisitions Section Rescinded on 2020-07-15
UTDBP3060 Purchase Orders Section Rescinded on 2020-07-15
UTDBP3061 Receiving and Shipping Rescinded on 2021-05-05
UTDBP3065 Office Machines Rescinded on 2016-10-26
UTDBP3067 Receiving and Delivery Rescinded on 2021-05-05
UTDBP3068 Shipping Rescinded on 2021-05-05
UTDBP3070 Printing Rescinded on 2016-10-26
UTDBP3071 Central Stores Rescinded on 2016-10-26
UTDBP3072 Telephone Services Rescinded on 2016-12-07
UTDBP3076 Building Maintenance and Operations Rescinded on 2011-09-15
UTDBP3077 Vehicle Maintenance Rescinded on 2011-09-15
UTDBP3079 Custodial Services Rescinded on 2011-09-15
UTDBP3080 Minor Construction Remodeling and Major Repairs Rescinded on 2020-07-15
UTDBP3107 Scholarships Fellowships and Other Appointments and Monetary Awards to Students Rescinded on 2017-01-05
UTDPP1001 Academic Certificate Programs Rescinded on 2023-02-06
UTDPP1010 Policy on University Research Units and Organized Research Units Rescinded on 2018-11-20
UTDPP1022 IDEA Committee Rescinded on 2025-02-06
UTDPP1045 Dual or Outside Employment Rescinded on 2014-09-19
UTDPP1054 Policy on Graduate Studies Committee Rescinded on 2017-04-26
UTDPP1058 Internship Policy Rescinded on 2017-09-12
UTDPP1065 Responsibilities of Principal Investigators and Project Directors Rescinded on 2019-06-11
UTDPP1082 Effort Certification Rescinded on 2016-12-07
UTDPP1091 Conflicts of Interest Conflicts of Commitment and Outside Activities Rescinded on 2016-06-07
UTDSP5006 Bylaws of the Student Senate Rescinded on 2017-01-05
UTDSP5007 Student Media Rescinded on 2017-09-12
UTDSP5009 Constitution of the Student Government Rescinded on 2017-01-05