Part-Time Workload Assignments - UTDPP1063
Policy Statement
A Part-Time Workload Assignment (part-time status) temporarily (for a maximum of three years) releases a faculty member from full-time classroom teaching responsibilities and other service duties within the University. Faculty may choose to request part-time status in order to pursue grants such as the federal Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grants and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) grants; to move toward retirement; or to take care of children, ill spouses, or elderly parents. Faculty members are expected to continue with their research and service as well as their teaching while on a part-time workload assignment. Part-time status is reserved for a demonstrated need—it is not an automatic right of a faculty member.
A UTD faculty member must have completed six regular semesters of full-time duty at UTD and have successfully passed the 3rd-year tenure review to be eligible for a part-time workload assignment. The assignments can range from one semester to three years. A faculty member may reapply for another Part-Time Workload Assignment after having completed such an assignment, but there is no guarantee that an additional Part-Time Workload Assignment will be granted.
Financial Remuneration
A faculty member will be remunerated in exact proportion to the percentage of workload that has been designated as part of the Part-Time Workload Assignment. This percentage will also be used to calculate the percentage that the University will contribute toward benefits if the percentage is at or above 50%. In the case that the workload percentage is below 50%, no benefits will (by State law) be funded.
Part-Time Workload Assignment Proposals
A faculty member should submit a cover sheet (see attached) and a 1-2 page proposal for the part-time status to the pertinent Department/Program Head and/or Dean. In addition to a full, current vita and a listing of the faculty member’s teaching assignments for the previous three years (in the format specified for tenure and promotion review) as well as University and School service performed in the previous three years, the proposal should describe in reasonable detail why the individual is asking for part-time status and how the individual will continue to contribute in a meaningful way to UTD during the assignment. A list of specific teaching and service duties to be carried out during the duration of the Part-Time Workload Assignment must be appended to the proposal.
Evaluation of Part-Time Workload Assignment Proposals
Part-Time Workload Assignment proposals will be evaluated initially at the School level by the appropriate Department/Program Head and/or Dean. Proposals should be evaluated with regard to intrinsic merit (for instance with regards to an SBIR or STTR grant) and/or need. The Dean should also review the proposal in terms of the academic unit’s capability of maintaining a high level of teaching and service while active faculty strength for regular duties is temporarily reduced by the applicant’s part-time status.
If the Department/Program Head and/or Dean wish, the Department/Program Head and/or Dean may meet with the applicant to discuss and/or negotiate the specific teaching and services duties that will be required during the applicant’s Part-Time Workload Assignment. Any changes to the initial list should be signed by the both the Department/Program Head and the Dean as well as the applicant and added to the applicant’s file.
The Dean will then forward the entire Part-Time Workload Assignment file and recommendation(s) to the Provost, recommending for approval only those proposals which do not negatively impact in an irremediable way the vital functions of the academic unit. It is expected that the necessary replacement teaching effort will be supported by funds preexisting within the budget of the faculty member’s unit (e.g., from the portion of the salary that the applicant will be forgoing).
Proposals may be submitted at any time during the academic year and will be considered within thirty days; however, under normal circumstances, Part-Time Workload Assignments will begin at the beginning of a semester. In the case of emergencies judged to require partial release from class room responsibilities, decisions will be made on an individual, case by case basis by the relevant dean, department/program head where applicable, and the provost.
Policy Form: UTDPP1063 Part-Time Workload Assignments Application
Policy History
- Issued: 2005-07-15
- Editorial Amendments: 2016-11-11
Policy Links
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