UT Dallas Policy Navigator :: Training Section :: UTDBP3055 (v1)

Training Section - UTDBP3055

Policy Statement

General Policy

Through the implementation of the State Employees Training Act of 1969, the University will provide training and educational programs, depending upon the availability of funds, that should benefit most employees. The use of various types of training programs should encourage the initiative of employees. Organized training programs will help identify those employees who are willing to exercise their initiative and prove their performance, find areas where employees are resisting change, and improve policies and procedures.

The Human Resources Office is responsible for coordinating UTD training activities and should be contacted when such programs are to be implemented. If employees have questions regarding specifics about the various programs, contact Human Resources for further information.


The following objectives should lead to UTD gaining more efficiency, effectiveness and economy in its personnel program:

  1. Develop well-trained professional and supportive staff.
  2. Assist all employees in achieving their greatest potential usefulness.
  3. Motivate employees and stimulate a sense of participation and involvement.
  4. Ensure UTD receives a fair return on its investment from training and education.

Program Elements

Program elements for the training programs include:

  1. Identifying staff employees who require development to determine the exact kind of program needed.
  2. Training individuals for current duties and responsibilities and developing them for future assignments as a means of improving the quality and quantity of work accomplished.
  3. Developing supervisors to enable them to assume and execute their responsibilities for the maximum utilization of personnel, training of subordinates, and maintenance of sound employee relations.
  4. Advising and assisting all employees with respect to the continuing education programs which promote usefulness.
  5. Evaluating all educational and training activities to determine if they are meeting the needs of UTD.

Available Programs

With the objectives and elements in mind, four (4) specific programs have been established:

  1. College or University Degree Program
  2. In-Service Training and Education Program
  3. Out-of-Agency Staff Development Program
  4. Internship Training Program.

College or University Degree Program


This program will provide graduate or undergraduate level training leading to a degree in the employee's area of employment. Basically, it provides for full-time student enrollment and is for selected, qualified UTD employees. The program is provided on the basis of UTD needs and availability of funds.


Since this training program is to provide only full-time student enrollment of an employee in a graduate or undergraduate program leading to a degree, the following eligibility criteria must be met for employee selection.

  1. Selected employees must possess the necessary academic qualifications to meet all entrance requirements of the school where training is to be provided.
  2. Degree training must be directly related to an existing job within the University framework.
  3. Selected employees must be scheduled for an appointment to a job at UTD requiring the degree training at the completion of schooling.
  4. Selected employees must have been successfully evaluated as to competence and aptitude for training and recommended by the Human Resources Office and Vice President for Administration.
  5. Selected employees receiving financial educational assistance will be considered as employees and accrue vacation sick leave and other benefits while in a student status.

In-Service Training and Education Program


This program is job-oriented and may include on-the-job training in preparation for a specific job assignment, and/or continuing training that is basically job- oriented. It is for selected staff employees and will be provided for on the basis of UTD's needs and availability of funds.

The program is designed to train an employee to perform a particular task within a particular situation, equip him/her to deal with new technological and legal developments, develop additional work capabilities, or increase a level of competence.

Program Elements

This program is divided into three (3) categories:

  1. Orientation: This acquaints an employee to a new job situation, but does not include development of skills for the particular situation.
  2. Basic Training for a Specific Task: Included are training in supervising and managerial skills as well as development of job knowledge and skills required for a specific task.
  3. Advanced Training: A higher-level skill may be developed, combined with a broader job knowledge and instruction in new concepts and changing aspects of job responsibility.


Employees will be selected, trained, and evaluated under this program on the basis of individual skills needed for a particular job, availability of preemployment training, manpower needs of the University, and the availability of skilled employees in a particular area.

Employee Responsibilities

The employee entering this program has a responsibility to successfully complete it and should recognize that UTD may use this type of training as a continuation of the selection process.

Out-Of-Agency Staff Development Program


This program is designed to provide training through workshops, seminars, training sessions, institutes, extension courses, college or university courses, or other special activities offered either within or outside the UTD framework. These activities should be concentrated, precise, short term, and designed to improve an employee's professional and technical knowledge in the performance of present or prospective duties and responsibilities. Staff employees are eligible to participate and will be selected on the basis of University needs and funds available.


All UTD staff employees are eligible to participate in this program and may do so with the recommendation of the employee's department head and approval of the Vice President for Administration, or his designee. The training must be related to the employee's current or prospective job assignment and will be conducted for the benefit of UTD as well as the employee.

Employee Responsibilities

The employee will be responsible to fulfill such terms and conditions as prescribed by the Vice President for Administration, or his designee, which will be compatible with the nature and extent of the training.

Internship Training Program


This program is intended to provide a type of learning experience that can be obtained only through actual work experience. Internship programs are usually of longer duration than Out-of-Agency Staff Development or In-Service Training Programs and are provided on the basis of University needs and availability of funds. A person selected for this program will be receiving practical work experience under the supervision of an experienced worker while acting as an employee of the establishment where training is being received.


This type of training and education has broader objectives than other types in that it serves not only UTD but also the U.T. System and State of Texas in the following ways:

  1. It allows UTD and other state agencies to screen potential employees while simultaneously permitting an advantageous recruiting position.
  2. It promotes the interaction of new people and new ideas between UTD and other state agencies.
  3. It permits UTD and the State to gain trained personnel who can carry a heavier workload in a relatively short period of time.
  4. Such training will be conducted primarily for the benefit of UTD and the U.T. System.

Program Elements

Various types of internship programs are available. Type I Internships are those that are within the U.T. System for persons not employed by the State, while Type II Internships are for employees of U.T. Dallas or another state agency.

Type I Elements: Such internships relate to the educational program of the person serving the internship, thus providing a constant interchange and evaluation between UTD and the sponsor of the person's educational program. These internships should be initiated only to the extent that UTD can provide a meaningful work and learning experience. They are not designed to produce a work product and are for persons not originally employed by UTD.

Type II Elements: These internships provide for a UTD employee to be trained by and in the employ of a state agency either within or outside of the U.T. System. For example, a UTD employee could serve with the State Auditor's Office, which is not part of the U.T. System, but is a state agency. Similarly, an accountant from UTD could serve as a trainee in the business office at U.T. Austin.

The main purpose of this training is for the employee to gain skills from the training agency and promote the ability to work more competently within broader situations at many levels of University administration.


Any UTD employee is eligible to participate in the Type II program upon the recommendation of the employee's department head and with approval of the Vice President for Administration.

Employee Responsibilities

The employee has a responsibility to successfully complete the training program and should recognize that UTD may use this type of training as a continuation of the selection process. Selected employees for this program will be committed to fulfill terms and conditions prescribed by the Vice President for Administration, or his designee, which will be compatible with the nature and extent of training.

Policy History

  • Issued: 1998-06-01