Police Oversight Committee - UTDPP1114
Policy Statement
The Police Oversight Committee (POC) is a University-wide Standing Committee reporting directly to the President of The University of Texas at Dallas and providing guidance to and oversight of the University of Texas at Dallas Police Department (UTDPD).
The Police Oversight Committee is charged to perform the following duties:
- Serve as an institutional channel of communication between members of the university community and UTDPD;
- Facilitate communication and develop a mutual understanding of roles and expectations between the community and UTDPD;
- Review issues or concerns related to policing at UT Dallas identified by the POC or referred to it from the university community;
- Ensure that the policies, practices, and operations of UTDPD effectively promote the security of the university community while fully respecting each member of the university community;
- Promote transparency and trust between UTDPD and the university community by monitoring UTDPD activities to ensure: a)compliance with University of Texas System Police policies; and b)treatment of each member of the university community in a manner that upholds the core values of the university.
Any member of the university community, acting personally or officially, may submit a matter to the POC for consideration. However, the committee is not intended to be a substitute for the established means of handling formal grievances or complaints. When appropriate, the committee is expected to refer concerns to the proper channels for formal consideration and action. The receptivity and effectiveness of those channels is within the committee’s purview.
As matters warrant, at the request of the chair, the committee may meet with the president. The committee, through its chair, may communicate with the leadership of the UT Dallas Police Department and may respond, as appropriate, to any member of the university community who submits a concern to the committee.
As part of executing its charge, the committee shall:
- Receive quarterly reports from the chief of police regarding UTDPD hiring and training policies and practices
- Receive quarterly reports from the chief of police regarding complaints made by members of the university community against UT Dallas police officers and subsequent investigations
- Receive quarterly reports from the chief of police on all use of force incidents involving UTDPD officers
- Receive quarterly reports from the chief of police on citations issued and criminal cases referred to the district or county attorney
- Receive briefings as needed from the chief of police on any changes to UTDPD policies or procedures
- Serve as a sounding board for the chief of police on various issues or concerns involving the department and the university community
- Review and provide input on proposed UTDPD programs and initiatives to enhance campus security
- As appropriate, advise the president and UTDPD on the most effective strategies for communication and engagement that promotes a strong relationship between UTDPD and the university community
- As appropriate, review, in consultation with subject-matter experts, the most effective strategies for implementing researched-based best-practices in policing, and
- Prepare an annual report to the president to include a summary of the matters on which the committee focused, conclusions reached, and recommendations for consideration by the president. The report may include matters that are recommended to be continued for consideration by the committee appointed for the following academic year.
- At the discretion of the committee but no fewer than two times per year, invite all members of the UTD community to attend committee meetings and participate in a public comment and question period.
The committee shall consist of 10 voting members appointed to two-year, staggered terms. Membership shall consist of two tenure-track faculty members, one of whom must be tenured, and one non-tenure system faculty member appointed by the Committee on Committees, three staff members appointed by the Staff Council, two undergraduate students appointed by Student Government, and one graduate student appointed by the Graduate Student Assembly. In addition, the Dean of Students shall serve as an ex-officio, voting member. The Chief of Police, designee of Chief of Police, University Attorney, and Assistant Vice President of Institutional Compliance and Title IX Coordinator shall serve as exofficio, non-voting members. The Vice President and Chief of Staff shall serve as the Responsible University Official (RUO) and shall not have a vote. The chair of the committee shall be appointed by the Committee on Committees at the beginning of each academic year from among the appointed faculty members.
At the request of the RUO or committee chair, the President may appoint additional, non-voting members to the committee for one-year terms.
The Office of the Vice President and Chief of Staff shall provide administrative support to the committee.
Policy History
- Issued: 2021-02-03
- Editorial Amendments: 2024-06-10
- Editorial Amendments: 2024-07-15
- Editorial Amendments: 2024-12-02
Policy Links
- Permalink for this policy: https://policy.utdallas.edu/utdpp1114
- Link to PDF version: https://policy.utdallas.edu/utdpp1114/makepdf
- Link to printable version: https://policy.utdallas.edu/utdpp1114/makeprint