Committee on Qualifications of Academic Personnel - UTDPP1031
Policy Charge
Qualifications of Academic Personnel CQ
Policy Statement
The Committee on Qualifications of Academic Personnel is a standing, concurrent committee of the Academic Senate of The University of Texas at Dallas.
The Committee is charged with reviewing all recommendations from faculty ad hoc committees and School Deans regarding the initial hiring, promotion, and promotion to tenure of members of the faculty, assuring that high academic standards are maintained, that appropriate and uniform procedures were followed in the review process, and that the evidence supports the recommendations. The Committee is further charged with reviewing and assessing the standards of excellence for the various academic ranks and for tenure, making due allowance for the different traditions and requirements of the different disciplines.
The Committee receives recommendations from the faculty ad hoc committee following review of the file by the Dean of the School. The Committee is responsible for certifying that the evidence in the file substantiates the recommendation of the ad hoc committee. The Committee then forwards the file with its recommendations to the Chief Academic Officer. Questions of general policy that arise from the Committee's deliberations are to be forwarded to the Academic Senate through the Academic Council. The Committee will report to the Senate through the Council indicating the issues and problems encountered in the review process.
By November 1, the Chair of the Committee will provide the Speaker of the Faculty with a copy of the agenda established by the Committee for its work during the academic year.
Annually, but no later than August 31, the Chair of the Committee will provide the Speaker of the Faculty with a written report for the Academic Senate of the Committee's activities for the prior academic year.
The Committee is composed of tenured members, two from each school (with the exception of Interdisciplinary Studies), appointed from the membership of the General Faculty (as defined in UTDPP1088), and preferably at the rank of Professor, except that no one holding an administrative appointment above the rank of Department Head shall be eligible to serve. Membership of the Committee is drawn from the several Schools. Members, however, are members at large and are not representative of or advocates for a particular School. The Provost serves as Responsible University Official.
Unless specified otherwise in this charge, Committee members are appointed to two-year terms, and the Chair and Vice Chair are appointed annually. The terms for appointed members shall be staggered so that no more than one-half of the terms expire in any one year. Members may be reappointed by the President for additional terms upon nomination of the Academic Council. If for any reason a Committee member resigns, the President, upon nomination of the Academic Council, shall appoint another individual to serve the remainder of the unexpired term.
Policy History
- Issued: 1978-09-04
- Revised: 1979-11-12
- Revised: 1993-10-15
- Revised: 1998-09-01
- Revised: 1998-11-13
- Revised: 1999-08-24
- Editorial Amendments: 2000-09-01
- Editorial Amendments: 2003-01-22
- Editorial Amendments: 2006-04-06
- Editorial Amendments: 2016-01-07
Policy Links
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