Institutional Conflicts of Interest Committee - UTDPP1069
Policy Statement
The Institutional Conflicts of Interest Committee is a University-wide Standing Committee appointed by the President not reporting to the Academic Senate of The University of Texas at Dallas ("University").
The Committee operates under the Rules and Regulations of the Board of Regents of The University of Texas System (Regents Rules) in Rule 30104, concerning Conflict of Interest, and in Rule 30103, concerning Standards of Conduct, including the relevant federal and state statutes and relevant System policies, procedures, and forms provided in each rule (
The Committee is charged to safeguard the University's credibility and reputation from the negative effects of Institutional Conflicts of Interest (ICOIs), and to assure that no institutional interests or relationships of the University or of Institutional Officials exist that may jeopardize the University's commitment to provide quality teaching, research, service, and clinical care.
The Committee is charged to perform the following duties:
- Advise the President regarding the identification, evaluation, and management of ICOIs;
- To develop and maintain an appropriate written and enforced University policy on ICOIs in accordance with the Regents Rules;
- To implement management plans to minimize the risks of undue influence of ICOIs on decisions affecting the University's research, education, clinical care, business transactions, investments, or other activities of the institution; and,
- To develop and disseminate procedures for identification, evaluation and management of ICOIs disclosed by Institutional Officials or other members of the academic community.
The President shall have final authority regarding ICOI determinations, including approval of Committee recommendations regarding ICOI management.
The Committee shall be composed of at least eleven voting members. At least three voting members, not including the Speaker of the Academic Senate, must be tenured faculty members of the rank of Associate Professor or Professor. The President shall appoint one of the Committee's tenured faculty members to serve as the Committee Chair with oversight of all committee activities. The President shall serve as the Responsible University Official. At least one voting member shall have no University affiliation. The Speaker of the Academic Senate, the Vice President for Research, the Vice President for Budget and Finance, the Vice President for Facilities and Economic Development, the Vice President for Development and Alumni Relations, and the Chief Compliance Officer shall serve as ex officio, voting members.
The term of appointment for members who are not ex-officio shall be three years. Committee members may be reappointed by the President for additional terms. If for any reason a committee member resigns, the President shall appoint another qualified individual to serve the remainder of the unexpired term.
The Committee shall meet as necessary to evaluate ICOI issues, and maintain a record of its deliberations and actions. A quorum will consist of one more than half of the voting committee members, at least one of whom must be a member with no University affiliation. The University Attorney shall attend meetings and serve as legal advisor to the Committee.
In relation to a specific situation under review, the Committee may invite a member of the University community with special expertise not otherwise available to the Committee to serve as a non-voting ad hoc member. At its discretion, the Committee may appoint non-voting ex-officio members for renewable one-year terms.
All information concerning Committee activities, reports, and other related documents and approvals shall be housed in Institutional Compliance. Institutional Compliance officials will be responsible for the submission of annual reports to appropriate government agencies and shall report to the President on such matters. The Committee will submit an annual report to the University Academic Senate summarizing the ICOI evaluations performed and management plans implemented by the Committee.
Policy History
- Issued: 2019-01-31
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