UT Dallas Policy Navigator :: Policy on Requirement for Vaccination against Bacterial Meningitis for Students Under the Age of 22 Registering for Courses :: UTDPP1079 (v2)

Policy on Requirement for Vaccination against Bacterial Meningitis for Students Under the Age of 22 Registering for Courses - UTDPP1079

Policy Statement

The University of Texas at Dallas (University) complies with Texas Education Code 51.9191 and 51.9192, which requires all entering Texas college students, under the age of 22, to provide evidence of immunization for bacterial meningitis prior to attending on-campus classes.


This policy complies with state law requiring the bacterial meningitis vaccination for certain students.


This policy applies to all University students under the age of 22 enrolled for courses taking place on campus.


Covered Student: Any entering student under the age of 22 registering for courses taking place on campus.

Required Vaccination: A vaccination recognized by the US Center for Disease Control as effective for the immunization of an individual against bacterial meningitis.

Responsible Party: The University Registrar is designated by the University President to receive documentation required under this policy of Required Vaccination by each Covered Student or that person’s designee.

Related Statutes, Policies, Requirements or Standards

Texas Education Code, Subchapter Z, Chapter 51, Section 51.9192, Bacterial Meningitis Vaccination Required for Certain Students; Exceptions.

19 TAC Part 1, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, Chapter 21, Student Services. Subchapter T, The Vaccination against Bacterial Meningitis for Entering Students at Public and Private or Independent Institutions of Higher Education.


General Requirements:

  1. A Covered Student will not be permitted to attend class for the semester until the covered student provides, or causes to be provided upon his or her behalf, written document acceptable to the responsible party. Written documentation must establish that the Covered Student has either:
    1. Received a required vaccination during the five-year period prior to but no later than ten (10) days prior to the first day of class, or
    2. Meets one of the exceptions set forth in the Exceptions Section of this policy
  2. A Covered Student who fails to provide proof of either the required vaccination or compliance with one of the exceptions set forth in the Exceptions Section of this policy at least ten (10) days before the first day of class shall not be permitted to attend classes for the semester and will be dropped from all enrolled classes.
  3. Failure to submit documentation of a required vaccination or compliance with one of the exceptions set forth in Exceptions Section of this policy does not alleviate the Covered Student’s responsibility under any contractual relationship between the University and the Covered Student relating to payment of on-campus housing or similar responsibilities.
  4. Documentation of the required vaccination or an exception set forth in this section must be approved by the responsible party or the responsible party’s designee for approval before a Covered Student can be permitted to attend classes for the semester.

Documentation of Required Vaccine Form:

  1. Acceptable documentation is:
    1. a statement provided by physician or other health care provider authorized by law to administer the Required Vaccine;
    2. an official immunization record issued by a state or local health authority; or
    3. an official record received from a Texas school official or a school official in another state.
  2. Form of Documentation. The documentation submitted must:
    1. be in English:
    2. state the name and other information sufficient to identify the individual who received the Required Vaccination;
    3. clearly identify that the Required Vaccine was administered to the individual;
    4. state the month, date and year the Required Vaccine was administered; and,
    5. if the documentation is not an official immunization record or a school record received as described Subsection A(2) or (3) above, it must also include:
      1. the name, address, signature or stamp, state of licensure and license number of the physician or other health care provider who administered the Required Vaccination; or
      2. the name, address, signature or stamp of the public health official who administered the required Vaccination.


A Covered Student is exempted from the requirements of this policy if the Covered Student submits one of the following to the Responsible Party:

  1. an affidavit or certificate signed by a physician licensed to practice medicine in the United States that states that physician is of the opinion that the Required Vaccination would be injurious to the health and well-being of the Covered Student; or
  2. an affidavit on the form provided by the Texas Department of State Health Services (the Department)signed by the Covered Student stating that the Covered Student declines to have the Required Vaccination based on reasons of conscience, which may include the Covered Student’s religious beliefs.

However, this exception will not be available, at the discretion of the University, during a disaster or public health emergency, hostile or paramilitary action, or extraordinary law enforcement emergency declared by an appropriate official or authority from the Texas Department of State Health Services affecting the University.

The affidavit can be requested on-line from the Department at https://co-request.dshs.texas.gov/ or by mailing, hand delivering or faxing a request for an affidavit to the Department. Important: There may be a delay between the date of the request for the affidavit form and receipt of the form from the Department. Students who plan to request an exemption should make the request early enough to allow them to complete and notarize the affidavit prior to submission to the Required Party at the University. For more information, including a printable order form, see https://co-request.dshs.texas.gov/.

Policy History

  • Issued: 2012-01-01
  • Revised: 2015-12-10
  • Revised: 2022-11-08