Registration of Faculty and Staff Organizations - UTDPP1067
Policy Statement
The Rules and Regulations of the Board of Regents of The University of Texas System provide for the registration of faculty and staff organizations. In the mutual interests of the administration, faculty, and staff of The University of Texas at Dallas, these regulations have been prepared.
- To be eligible to reserve and use University facilities a faculty or staff organization is required to register each semester with the Office of the Chief Academic Officer and to file reports as requested by that office.
- Eligibility to register requires a group of at least five (5) members of the faculty and/or staff. In addition, the registration form will include:
- the name and mailing address of the proposed organization;
- the number of faculty and/or staff members of the proposed organization on the application date; and
- other information reasonably required by the Office of the Chief Academic Officer.
- A registration form will be provided by the Office of the Chief Academic Officer. When registration is approved, a copy of the approved application will be provided to the designated contact member of the organization; if it is not approved, the reasons will be stated in writing to the contact member of the organization. A registered faculty or staff organization is expected to comply with the Regents' Rules and Regulations. Action taken by or on behalf of a registered organization that results in a violation of any applicable rules and regulations of The University of Texas at Dallas or of the Regent's Rules and Regulations is subject to disciplinary action which may result in the suspension or revocation of the registered status of the organization.
- The following sections of the Regents' Rules and Regulations are incorporated here by rule number and brief summary:
- Rule 40201, Sections 3, 4, and 5: Membership in a registered organization subject to this policy is restricted to faculty or staff at The University of Texas at Dallas. The organization may not use the name or seal of The University of Texas System or of The University of Texas at Dallas in its name, correspondence, posters, banners, pamphlets, other printed materials, or in connection with any activity of the organization. The organization is required to submit a registration form containing a complete list of its officers and a list of names and addresses of persons entitled to speak for the organization and to receive communications from the administration.
- Rule 80103: Solicitation by a registered organization is restricted, but Section 2.7 allows for the collection of dues at meetings scheduled in accordance with these regulations.
- Rule 80104: With prior permission, Section 1 permits reasonable and nondiscriminatory use of institutional buildings and grounds by registered organizations for specific purposes. Section 4 proscribes the distribution of obscene, vulgar, and libelous materials and also materials "directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action..."
- Rule 40501: Section 3 provides that only registered organizations and the Student Government may present off-campus speakers on campus.
- The Provost may require interim or yearly financial reports or both from faculty or staff organizations as part of the oversight of the registration procedure, but the faculty or staff organization is solely responsible for the operation of its affairs.
- Faculty or staff organizations shall pay for their own supplies, printing and reproduction, telephone toll charges, and U.S. postage, and faculty or staff organizations are required not to incur charges, for these or similar items, which would be levied against the University.
Policy History
- Issued: 1989-08-14
- Revised: 1994-05-01
- Revised: 1996-06-12
Policy Links
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