Committee on Distance Learning - UTDPP1021
Policy Charge
Distance Learning
Policy Statement
The Committee on Distance Learning is a concurrent committee of the Academic Senate charged to analyze, support, and provide planning advice and recommendations regarding distance learning as this activity involves faculty time and effort, and demands upon staff and financial resources.
The Committee will advise the President through the Academic Senate on strategy and policy regarding distance learning, and will advise the Chief Academic Officer, through the Assistant Provost, Educational Technology and Services, on academic and faculty issues that pertain to distance learning.
By November 1, the Chair of the Committee will provide the Speaker of the Faculty with a copy of the agenda established by the Committee for its work during the academic year.
Annually, but no later than August 31, the Chair of the Committee will provide the Speaker of the Faculty with a written report for the Academic Senate of the Committee’s activities for the prior academic year.
The Committee is composed of seven members consisting of one person appointed to represent each of the Schools appointed from the membership of the General Faculty (as defined in Faculty Governance – UTDPP1088 of The University of Texas at Dallas Handbook of Operating Procedures). The Vice President for Student Affairs, the Dean of Graduate Education, the Vice President for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer, the Deans of the Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science and the Naveen Jindal School of Management, the McDermott Library Assistant Director of Public Services or designee and the Assistant Provost, Educational Technology and Services serve as voting, ex officio members. The Chief Academic Officer or designee serves as the Responsible University Official.
Unless specified otherwise in this charge, Committee members are appointed to two-year terms, and the Chair and Vice Chair are appointed annually. The terms for appointed members shall be staggered so that no more than one-half of the terms expire in any one year. Members may be reappointed by the President for additional terms upon nomination of the Academic Council. If for any reason a Committee member resigns, the President, upon nomination of the Academic Council, shall appoint another individual to serve the remainder of the unexpired term.
Policy History
- Issued: 1997-09-17
- Revised: 1998-09-01
- Editorial Amendments: 2000-09-01
- Revised: 2002-07-23
- Editorial Amendments: 2002-11-22
- Editorial Amendments: 2006-06-07
- Editorial Amendments: 2007-02-01
- Editorial Amendments: 2009-09-28
- Editorial Amendments: 2018-01-22
- Editorial Amendments: 2018-12-05
- Revised: 2021-05-20
- Editorial Amendments: 2024-06-03
Policy Links
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